Spellar Performance: "You are going straight to the Live Show!"

For questions relating to the current active challenge please use the tag UnrealChallenge
For submissions, please include the tag SpellarPerformance

Title: “You are going straight to the Live Show!”

insert link to your video

Student Submission: Yes/No (Yes)

Credits to sourced content:
Y-Bot - Mixamo
X-Bot - Mixamo
Animations (Cheering, Cheering while Sitting, Standing Clap, Standing Clap) - Mixamo

insert a screenshot of your project (in the editor)


  • Did you use Houdini?
    The crowd’s animations are Vertex Animation Textures made in Houdini and imported into Unreal!

  • Description
    My first Unreal Challenge!
    When I heard the theme “Spellar Performance” I thought of someone saying “That was a Stellar Performance!” Eventually, this thought process led me to America’s Got Talent where a judge hits the Golden Buzzer as a way of saying that the performance was extraordinary. Instead of a buzzer though, I wondered what it’d be like if a judge waved a magic wand and a spell was cast that gave a similar effect. The name of this entry comes from America’s Got Talent when a judge hits the Golden Buzzer! “You are going straight to the live show!”

  • Engine version
    UE 5.0.3


loved the concept here! i’d give a golden buzzer

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I like! I definitely need to look into how to make FX like yours where you are able to use shapes & patterns, because I want to make cool circles & signs like your star, where the inside of it will also move around.

If you have a chance to check out my submission, I’d love your thoughts! :smiley:

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Thank you so much! :smiley:
That’s so sweet

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Thank you so much! :smiley: I really appreciate your kind words!
The star was pretty simple. It’s two star-shaped meshes stacked on top of each other with different UV unwraps. The one in the back has a UV that’s stretched on the V.
The texture for it is literally a straight horizontal line that I made in photoshop.
Both meshes use the same scrolling material to achieve the effect. Since the one in the back’s UVs are stretched, it increases the frequency of the lines!