Speedtree Import Failed

So, I have Speedtree Cinema (an older version) and since there is currently not a Speedtree available for UE4 I tried to find a method to use for the time being. So here is what I did.

I opened the .spm file from the Speedtree Cinema Library in the UDK Modeler (yes they do open in that), and then re-saved it. This allowed me to use the UDK Compiler for the Speedtree that comes with it, and export them as .srt file.

Here’s where I am unsure what might be going wrong. When I attempt a Speedtree file import into UE4, I get a “Failed to Import” error with no information to why it failed. Just a Error Message giving the directory and file name that failed to import.

My question is, what is going awry? I was hoping that this method MIGHT work and that (for the time being) I could import Speedtree models into UE4. Can someone shed some light on what is causing the “Failed to Import” error?


Hey !,

What file type is your Speed Tree model? The editor will currently only accept a few file types. For 3D models, FBX is the only current file type that the engine will import. If the file was still in .srt form, then it will not import.


Then why is .srt a importable file format? It’s in the File Format drop-down list when importing new assets.

Can you please explain why it’s an option, but not working?



It is listed as an option, but is not currently available with standard UE4. What you are seeing is infrastructure for a planned release of a plugin for SpeedTree. You will be able to implement the plugin for SpeedTree in the near future: http://www.speedtree.com/ue4/subscription.php

Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.


Well, hehe, i did exactly the same before coming here to find out why, and if it’s gonna be for licensees only, wich i do not intend to do, then i will be forced to find a cheap alternative like, skeletal mesh with animation, or even a soft material movement, i also have speedtree from UDK 2015 and i did the same working, but SRT failed to import.

So i guess i will have to wait and see what goodies to expect in the future.
We will see, it may come out good, who knows.

Already thank you for this great engine full of good stuff, the many good tools compensate for the few “not working yet” tools, like vehicles and such

I know this is old thread, but is there any way for exporting my tree from speedtree to ue4 in a way that wind is working? I have cinema edition, and nothing seems to work, fbx doesnt import my animation, in 3ds its perfect but doesnt work in ue4. Is it obligatory to have ue4 subscription to have trees in ue4? Cannot do them with Cinema edition?