Does anyone know how to get the Speedtree wind working in UE 5.1 ? Whenever i import from Speedtree 9 it looks like the leaves are going at Mach3 but the tree does not move at all.
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Hey i got a somewhat similar problem, can you describe your mach 3 a bit?
My leafs are jittering like crazy (no long stretching) , but only if i am further away than 1 km from absolute zero World Position. I am using World Partitioning.
This is a known issue inside of unreal. You can try going into the trees materials, find the speed tree wind node and I think you change then settings in there to ‘fastest’. That was one solution I found, it might work for you , but it didnt for me.
Instead I deleted the entire speedtree wind node (linked up to WPO in the material editor) and just added a simple wind node instead, it worked a treat