So I’m working on a custom map for UT. I’ve created a particle based on the shock rile explosion particle. (I opened the shock rifle particle and then exported the emitters to my own). Now that I’ve got it looking the way I want inside Cascade, I dropped it into the level but its not showing up. Every other particle works fine just not my custom one. Auto activate is on and Realtime is also turned on. Can’t figure out why its not working.
The Base Particle system you are using for this effect is meant to fire only once. With the Particle selected in the editor, press the “?” key and see if the particle system plays. If so the have you made sure that you reset the Emitter Loops to 0 (infinitely looping).
Thank You and let me know if this does not solve the issue for you.
I checked on the particle again and I missed setting one of the emitters to infinite looping. Once I turned this one on it fixed the issue. Do all emitters have to be set to the same looping value for a particle system to work?
Hi Eric, although I did initially change the looping of the emitters to 0, I checked again and it seems I missed setting the first emitter to looping. This fixed the issue with the particle not rendering. Does this mean that all emitters have to have the same looping value in order to work?
Also I notice that when I scale the particle system in size once placed in the world, it changes the look of the particle. Is there a way to avoid this? Should I just increase the initial size of the particles in cascade?
No you can have different loop settings for each emitter in a particle system, but the overall emitter will use the maximum time set by all emitters to determine the point of looping.
To accurately keep the look of your particles you will need to scale then in Cascade and not with the World Scale settings in your level.