I have one issue that bothering me lately… In my game I want to have simple CubeMap reflections, and so I made each CubeMap for every map. And the main issue is I don’t know how to make Materials use these specific CubeMaps in their parameters automatically, like without duplicating Material Instances multiple times. Or is that possible to add all my CubeMaps into my material, and then just use some kind of “else” or “if” node that will switch the output depending what map is currently running? Because I have a lot of objects on my map with metallic Material, and so creating realtime reflections will use a ton of memory. And if I’ll use one CubeMap for all maps, player will notice that. Is that possible to fix this?
Perhaps, you should put reflection capture actors and set them to use specific cubemap. This way you do not need to touch the materials at all.