I have a component on a skeletal mesh actor that needs to spawn a speech sound. I’m trying to use an attenuated cone to make it believable as you move around behind the character. When the character moves, the audio is tracking the character positionally, but the rotation of the attenuation cone is never updated when the character’s head turns. Here’s how I’m calling it:
// Get my mesh component
TArray<UActorComponent*> prims = Owner->GetComponentsByClass(UPrimitiveComponent::StaticClass());
// Now spawn the audio
MyAudioHandle = UGameplayStatics::SpawnSoundAttached(MySoundWave, static_cast<UPrimitiveComponent*>(prims[0]), AttachmentPoint, RelativeTranslation, RelativeRotation, EAttachLocation::KeepRelativeOffset, true /*stopWhenDestroyed*/, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, MyAttenuation);
AttachmentPoint is a FName parameter that I’m setting to the name of one of the bones on the face in my skeleton. I’ve also tried it with EAttachLocation::SnapToTarget, with similar results. This must just be something that I’m doing wrong - I imagine spawning voice audio that tracks head rotation would be pretty well-defined. Can anyone give me some advice about how I should do this?