SpawnParticleSystem is not visible if player is further than a certain distance from the world origin

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If player character is further than a certain distance (approximately 140m) from the world origin, the particles spawned using the SpawnParticleSystem() function will not be visible to the player.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Move to a position that is < 140m from the world origin and spawn a particle using SpawnParticleSystem() function. Particle is visible.
  2. Move to a position that is > 140m from the world origin and spawn a particle using SpawnParticleSystem() function. Particle is not visible.

See video demonstration:
2024-04-27 18-04-48.mkv (27.5 MB)

Expected Result

Particles spawned using the SpawnParticleSystem() should always be visible regardless of the player position from the world origin.

Observed Result

Particles spawned using the SpawnParticleSystem() is not visible if player is further than 140m from the world origin.


Windows 11

Can confirm I’m getting the same issue, couldn’t understand why the method only worked on my side project, now I do

(does the same disappearing when going far away vertically)

As a side note, the method seem to spawn them outside the replication range, it’s just the client that won’t display them if outside the range

Just one additional observation… if spawning a Niagara loaded via @editable, it also doesn’t work

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Issue is still present and replicable, as another commenter has said a workaround is to put the niagara inside of a blueprint and instead spawn that, but that’s not really a great way for us to be using particle systems

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Bump, still not fixed 2 updates later

Gonna post to increase the importance of this.


Bumping as the degradation of server performance after calling SpawnProp (and disposing correctly) seems to only ever be increasing with each UEFN update. Fixing this niagara bug would allow an easy performance boost for many maps


Please fix this, We don’t want to spawn creative props anymore.

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Spawning too much creative props to activate vfx causes lag after the server has been up for more than 2 hours, probably after X amount of spawns it starts to affect the performance,
Has this been fixed? spawning vfx via verse is essential

You sure about that, I’m pretty sure I did a test with spawning thousands of them and it worked flawlessly (?)

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For my own knowledge, How does this work with the spawned prop limit or am I miss-understanding and you mean VFX spawned by Verse have no spawn count limit?

I was referring to spawning props, which now work well (even though they’re still not spatially loaded? not sure though)

The spawning limit is 5000 per creative device if I remember correctly

Wow I feel pretty silly, You know how HARD i’ve been working to keep spawning props under 200!?! That must apply to NPCs :frowning: haha

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I think this got silently fixed in v32.00

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This has been fixed a while ago

The verse digest is wrong i think it does say 200 i think and i was sat thinking it cannot be right that. I think you get like 30k or something now its alot more anyways

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If anyone is experiencing this, please start a new thread with your latest information.

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FORT-738496 has been ‘Closed’. This issue won’t be fixed—please see examples of why this may be the case.