I have been getting the same issue in 4.24, wasn’t present in 4.23. Can you confirm your engine version?
Hi everyone !
Today i’m having spawning issues that I don’t understand.
Here’s my level. I have 5 Playerstarts that enable me to spawn my Pawn.
When I Spawn (in VR), everything is fine, but i’m far away from the table.
So I make my Playerstarts closer to the table, taking care not to make it to close, so I don’t get the “Bad size” tag.
Here, everything should be fine as my Playerstarts are not colliding with the table. But I spawn, this happen :
My Pawn is spawning under the map, probably because of collisions. I tried to set their "Spawn collission handling method) to “Defaut” and to “Always spawn”, I tried in normal mode (without VR), I tried to resize my Plyerstarts, but nothing helps.
Does anyone have an idea to share ?
Thank you
I’m using 4.20
Seems to me this is a Spawn Collision issue, and it would seem it is moving your pawn when spawning due to a collision. Turn off collision, does it spawn correctly? Did you try the Always Spawn, Ignore collision (Is this what you meant by always spawn?). Instead of actually resizing your playerstart (which I would think also change the size of the actor it spwns?) try changing the size of the collision volume inside the playerstart actor.
I found the issue, thank you for your help, it pointed me at the right direction.
I tried the “Always Spawn, Ignore Collision” for my Playerstarts, but I didn’t notice that it also has to be set for my Pawn. Set this “Spawn Collision Handling Method” to the actor I wanted to spawn was the solution !