Spawning Actor within another Actor

This time i really need help. Documentation of this all is pretty poor and i came up asking here. Well to create continous level i need to implement custom terrain (and terrain is a just a bunch of merged procedural planes) tho i created an actor which creates a procedural mesh and registers it (lets call it Tile) and when i place it into the world everything is fine but when i try to create another actor Terrain, for example, that creates a bunch of Tiles, they dont apper in world.
I know about UWorld::SpawnActor but its only spawns actors without any changes and its not working for me because i need to modify that tiles

ATile *temp = NewObject<ATile>(this, ATile::StaticClass());
temp->AttachToActor(this, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);

inside tile
mesh = CreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT(“GeneratedMesh”));
RootComponent = mesh;

	TArray<FVector> aVertices;
	TArray<int32> aTriangles;
	TArray<FVector> aNormals;
	TArray<FVector2D> aUV0;
	TArray<FColor> aVertexColors;
	TArray<FProcMeshTangent> aTangents;

	for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) {
					x * 100,
					y * 100,
			if (x < (32 - 1) && y < (32 - 1)) {
				aTriangles.Add((x * 32) + y);
				aTriangles.Add(((x + 1) * 32) + y + 1);
				aTriangles.Add((x * 32) + y + 1);
				aTriangles.Add((x * 32) + y);
				aTriangles.Add(((x + 1) * 32) + y);
				aTriangles.Add(((x + 1) * 32) + y + 1);
				aNormals.Add(FVector(x, y, 1));
				aTangents.Add(FProcMeshTangent(x, y, 1));
			aUV0.Add(FVector2D(x / 32, y / 32));
			aVertexColors.Add(FLinearColor(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1.0).ToFColor(true));

	mesh->CreateMeshSection(1, aVertices, aTriangles, aNormals, aUV0, aVertexColors, aTangents, true);