Spawned Characters Stuck in Volume

Hey Guys and Gals,

I was following the Unreal Engine tutorial videos on Youtube, specifically the intro to UE4 programming section. The tutorial itself has gone fine and I have pickups spawning into the world as it showed. However, I have tried altering the code for spawning my games Bot Characters into the world which again is half working, they are spawning into the volume I have placed into the world but they are stuck there.

Manually placing one of the Bot characters into the world works fine, it falls to the ground and chases me but the spawned ones are stuck in the air.

I have tried turning physics on for the mesh and capsule component which causes the Bots to fall from spawning volume but they fall straight through the floor as does the manually placed Bots.

I also read else where that the Bots need a Controller spawned to work correctly but the controller is set in the Bots Constructor which I believe would be called from when I spawn the bot with code: (AMyBot* const SpawnedBot = World->SpawnActor<AMyBot>(WhatToSpawn, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation, SpawnParams);
Or am I incorrect in this matter and must I set the controller class again elsewhere?.

Very new to unreal so hope I explained situation clearly, if ye need more information let me know,

Controller class must be set inside the Pawn class. In this case go to your Enemy Bot class and set the AI controller class to use in it.

I believe the property is : AIControllerClass

After that once he is spawned, you can call the function SpawnDefaultController which will spawn the specified controller and posses the pawn.

Aha thanks mate that worked I had the AIControllerClass set already but was lacking the SpawnDefaultController call after calling the SpawnActor function in my SpawningVolume class.

just a quickie for anyone having these kind of problems i had the same issues when creating multiplayer levels and lobbies it was a painful experience the character would just be frozen in the air every time i would try to spawn them … or frozen in general what i found out is that i was using the game mode base which caused all my problems… to fix this is just go into your game mode go into class settings change the parent class to game mode not game mode base… this fixed up all my issues now all my characters are not frozen or stuck when spawning…