Spawned actor invisible, no collision

I’m working off of the 3rd person blueprint template. I’ve added a basic projectile actor with a sphere collision component, a sphere mesh, and a projectile movement component. When placing this actor in the world and simulating, everything works as expected.

When I spawn the projectile from my character class, the projectile does spawn, as indicated by number of actors in the World Outliner, but it’s invisible and doesn’t interact with the level at all.

I thought initially that I wasn’t spawning it with the correct orientation or something like that, but I fed an Event Tick event into a draw debug point function, with the point location being the collision component location, and I can watch projectile spawn, fly in the forward direction, and fall through the world.

The only conclusion that I can draw from this is that the ‘Spawn Actor From Class’ function is bugged.

Works fine for me, post your screenshots of your Projectile BP, including graph/viewport view and your “spawning” BP.

So I created a blank actor blueprint with a simple Event Tick → Delay (1) → Spawn Actor of Class (projectile) and got it shooting correctly from that, and then I copied the blueprint nodes from there into the character blueprint and now it works. I have absolutely no idea why.

Yeah. I had the same problem. Thank you for your answer. I tried many methods to fix this and all they fails. I have three different types of projectiles. And all the projectiles was invisible while firing. They were spawned into gaming world and it was connfirmed by World Outliner. I suppose this problem because of duplicating projectiles’ Blueprints from broken one base Blueprint. Anyway thanks alot for your very useful hint. UE 4.13.1

maybe just some wrong collision channel settings?