Assertion failed: Role == ROLE_Authority [File:UnrealEngine4.15\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Actor.cpp] [Line: 2746]
that’s because the “Template” of FActorSpawnParameters is ROLE_SimulatedProxy, and the “Role” property value is copied to the new spawned actor.
you can ask your engineer, it is very easy to understand
After further investigation, it appears this crash is occurring because you are attempting to spawn an actor on the server that is something other than ROLE_Authority. All actors on the server must be authoritative, otherwise this check will fail. As a result, I do not believe that this is a bug. I was able to replicate the crash, but it seems like intended behavior based on the current documentation and my understanding of Actor Roles: Actor Role and RemoteRole | Unreal Engine Documentation
Let me know if you have further questions or comments regarding this.