I chose to rephrase original question (and I solved second issue and just left it here for reference):
I need something like “global space” for planetary system and “local space” for ships (as those are different by several orders of magnitude). I can do the math, so that I can draw small planets that just feel like they are gigantic objects thousands of kilometers away, BUT, when I do that, it is possible that planet that is “officially” far away is in reality just half a kilometer away from camera, so if there is other actor (ship from “local space”), those two can overlap, and I can imagine solving this with only two things:
a) Draw my planets further than any actor can be - but that would require pretty big objects - can I do it like that? like drawing something say 20km away with 200km size, whilst “local space”, where game is taking place will have standard size/positions? (planets are not playable, they don’t have physics, collisions and so on, but I can imagine whole bunch of issues with lighting distance, size of depth/z-buffer…)
b) Draw them separately (as I would in custom engine), and then draw actors - Can I do that? Can I draw something as background, with separate depth pass? Something like:
- Draw my planets
- Clear depth buffer
- draw everything else on top of those planets
So the question is: can I do a without any issues? what is the limit for size of objects that aren’t really part of game? And more preferably, if possible, how would I do b?
And second (solved) question was this:
When I am on an orbit, I see like 5% of the whole planet - how can/should I deal with that, if I want pixel perfect material on it? detail textures took care of that