Source control blocks loading autosaves for new blueprints.

I’m not sure if this fits in with bug report, or feature request or if there is some other solution - or if this is just an SVN issue. But basically when the editor crashes I lose work when autosaves won’t load. I get the “Unable to check X assets out of source control” error. I know that I can go into the auto saves folder and pull them out manually, but sometimes its a long list, (yes you can sort them by date modified etc.). But some times it doesn’t make sense because they’re brand new and some times not even marked for add. While they are in source controlled folders in my local repo, they have not been committed or anything.

Basically to reproduce:

Create new assets, save them, don’t stage them, or mark for add or whatever, get them dirty, keep them open long enough then crash.

They can’t be checked out source control, because they aren’t in the remote repo to begin with. It there some sort of setting I can change to bypass this error and not have to bring them all back by hand?

Is there a way to trigger an editor restart without source control enabled? Or even a way to add a “Make Writable” Option to the restart error screen? Or exclude files that aren’t in the remote repo from being checked for source control?