Sounds at random locations in a Level

So, I am trying to have a sound spawn at different locations in a level. I came across this blueprint that basically does what I want to do:

The problem I am having is that I can’t figure out how to make a variable with the “From Persistent Level” that is being used in this blueprint. I can’t figure out how to use it. I suppose they are the actors that are placed in the level, but I can’t figure out how to insert them or use them in the blueprint. If anyone knows how I can find the “from Persistent Level” node, or whatever it is, that would be much appreciated.

Place the actors in your level and then go into the level BP ( it wont work in any other BP ) and right click. The actor you just placed ( or selected ) will be at the top of the list in this form…

Just gonna relink this from my other post, another method:

Image from Gyazo

Thanks guys! So I got the Blueprint up and running. I created the ambient sound actors and added Sound Cues to all of them. The thing now is that the sound only plays once at the beginning (when I press “play”). Is there some logic that I am missing? I want the sounds to spawn from the different locations at a specific time interval, let’s say every 10 seconds and not only once in the beginning. Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this?

Then you have to spawn the sounds, you can’t just place them in the level. You didn’t specify that… :wink:

Alright! Hahah, sorry about that, as I’ve mentioned I am extremely new to this, so I am still trying to wrap my head around the terminology of everything and how it works :slight_smile:

To check. Do you want the player to hear sounds randomly as they walk around the level, or do you want the sounds to have specific locations and the player can only hear them when they are near that location?

I want the player to feel like the sound comes from specific sources (that are far away). So when the player walks around the map he/she will for instance hear the sound of a wolf howling from one position that is far away, and for instance 10-20 seconds later the sound may come from another position. I wanted to use Sound Cues with attenuation so if the player walks toward the source of the sound it gets louder. I hope I am making myself understandable here, if not I will try to further explain what I mean. :slight_smile:

Ok, so they will be in fixed locations, but they play randomly?

Yup! Exactly!

Wonderful! Thanks! :slight_smile: