SoundClass default SubMix send does not work for MetaSound Source

Create metasound source, set it to play any sound.
Click “Source” - select soundclass, which has set to some specific submix send.
submix send, which is defined by applied sound class is ingored by metasound source.
I know I can select manually submix send for metasound source, but I need do it using soundclasses, which do not work properly.

Hi @SaultBoy
Let’s see…
In Unreal Engine, the Metasound Source node does not honor submix sends dynamically based on SoundClasses. You can set the submix for the Metasound Source manually, but if you want to use the SoundClass submix send dynamically:

Manual Submix Setup: Manually set the submix send in the Metasound Source.
Metasound Nodes: Use the Submix Output node so that the sound can be directly routed to a submix of the Metasound graph
Blueprints: Dynamically send the Metasound output to the correct submix using Blueprints based on SoundClass settings
Custom Handling: Specify custom handling to manage submix sends via SoundClass properties

Since Metasound is not fully integrated with SoundClasses like the legacy audio system, the most optimal solution is to manually route through the graph or Blueprints until there can be a potential update from Unreal Engine