Using 4.17, sound from a streamed video with the media player crashes the engine if using attenuation set to “natural sound” on the media sound wave. Leaving the attenuation setting to “Linear” plays no sound at all, exept seemingly if lucky.
Repo steps should be: Setup a media player to stream a video from any server, add a soundwave and override attenuation settings. Set Distance Algorithm to “Natural Sound”
Useing attenuation on the media player sound wave seems to cause issues. Im currently having another problem if adding the sound from a separate audio file. I can only get the audio file to playback if using “Natural Sound”, but it only plays in editor, not in a packaged build… no crashes from the ambient sound using sound files tho. Note that the separate audio file would be fairly large, 40mb/40min. This audio file would also use a sound class with “always play” enabled to prevent desync from the video stream.
Thanks for your reply!
There is no crash stack in the log, it proceeds as normal and abruptly ends with:
“LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)”
If the repo steps gives no results I can try to setup this in a fresh project and upload it, I am unable to provide the work project log at this point.
Thank you very much for assisting. I have no idea why, but I can not trigger this crash right now. It would happen consistently every time, but now it dosen’t crash, or fail to play the sound.
I can’t explain why, there have been no changes, additions, or even reboots since before.
Im marking this as dubiously resolved . Thanks for helping out! If the crash returns I will try to post some VS debugging results.