Hi, I’m at a loss of what I’ve done wrong here, I’m in way over my head, but I feel like I’m almost there.
I’m trying to make a sound that’s different in the left and right earphones, GetAzimuth() and GetRange() are custom float-returning functions.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
// Called when the game starts or when spawned
void ABinauralTestNine::BeginPlay()
if (Audio)
SoundBase = NewObject<USoundBase>();
ActiveSound->SetSound(SoundBase); ////////// ActiveSound is a global FActiveSound*
if (Audio->GetFullName().Contains("wav")) {CreateSound();}
else {GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Red, Audio->GetFullName() + ": must be .wav filetype");}
// Generates the output sound
void ABinauralTestNine::CreateSound()
// Makes sure the Audio channels and buffer are ready
Audio->NumChannels = 2;
// Sets the spatialisation settings for the left and right wave instances
WaveInstanceSetup(LeftSound, ECloserEar::LeftEar);
WaveInstanceSetup(RightSound, ECloserEar::RightEar);
// Creates the sound source from the generated buffer
MixerDevice->MaxChannels = 2;
SoundSource = MixerDevice->CreateSoundSource();
// Sets up the Wave Instance variables
void ABinauralTestNine::WaveInstanceSetup(FWaveInstance* WaveToMod, ECloserEar SideEar)
// Sets the default sound and spatialisation variables
WaveToMod->ActiveSound = ActiveSound;
WaveToMod->WaveData = Audio;
WaveToMod->Location = PlayerReference->GetActorLocation();
WaveToMod->ListenerToSoundDistanceForPanning = GetRange();
// Gets the correct volume, pitch and time differences for each ear's sound
if (CloserEar == SideEar)
WaveToMod->Pitch = BasePitch;
WaveToMod->StartTime = PickUpTime;
} else
WaveToMod->Pitch = BasePitch - PitchArray[FMath::FloorToInt(GetAzimuth())];
WaveToMod->SetVolumeMultiplier(Volume - VolumeArray[FMath::FloorToInt(GetAzimuth())]);
WaveToMod->StartTime = PickUpTime - DelayArray[FMath::FloorToInt(GetAzimuth())];
// Adds wave instance to the buffer
if (SideEar == ECloserEar::LeftEar)
MixerDevice->Get3DChannelMap(ChannelFormat, WaveToMod, 360 - GetAzimuth(), WaveToMod->GetUseSpatialization(), Buffer);
MixerDevice->Get3DChannelMap(ChannelFormat, WaveToMod, GetAzimuth(), WaveToMod->GetUseSpatialization(), Buffer);