Sound Attenuation NOT working

Hey!! I apologise if this has been asked, I did have a look before I posted and couldnt find an answer…i’m assuming is should be a simple thing lol, all i’m trying to do is use a sound wave/cue for a radio in my level, I tick the ‘override’ attenuation settings to change them to my liking, but no matter WHAT i do, when i press play to run through my level, the audio wont play…if i untick overide attenuation the audio plays just fine, but i am trying to imitate a radio so I need the audio to fade in and out depending on how far I am from it…ANY HELP would be most appreciated :slight_smile: im losing ma marbles tryin to get this to work :S thank you soooooo much for your time!!!


I feel you…

There’s probably 5 different ways of doing this and you have to find the one that works best for you. My main problem is the ■■■■ thing usually wont attenuate correctly.

Quickest way: drag an audio component from the modes ( usually on the left hand side ). In the details of this actor you can set the attenuation radius so that the radio only plays when you’re near. ( You may have to override attenuation and judge things from the size of the ‘audibility sphere’ in the editor ).

More generally, the answer is something like:

  1. Make sure you are spawning / playing the audio at the world coordinates of the actor that is emitting the sound.

  2. You can then use an attenuation actor ( you can set these up in the content browser by right clicking ), to control the hearing distance.

  3. After a while you -might- have made a little library of the attenuation actors ( very close, close, medium distance etc ). Crazily, it’s still possible to override the attenuation in this actor ( I seem to recall ).

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understood. well ma dude, thanks for replying, I am glad to know it aint just me that is finding audio attenuation a little frustrating lol, ill make some attenuation actors and see what happens.have an awesome day :slight_smile:


I had exactly the same problem you described, but found when I checked ‘loop’ sound it works fine.




If you have a sound cue blueprint, you MUST have this connected up before the output, as shown above.

If you have a sound file dropped into the scene, EDIT the sound file and make sure “looping” is checked.

This is the only logical way that Unreal Engine can have these sounds become ambient. When you leave the attenuation zone, where wil it start up again? Provided everything is correct, the beginning of the loop.

Your problem should be solved at this point.


Thanks mate! It worked for me :slight_smile:

I’ll just write some words that might help others to find easily your answer.
#AudioSound not playing in Standalone
#AudioSound just playing in editor



LEGEND MATE!! just saw this LOL…took a break cos life was messin me up and when i returned to ue5 STILL couldn’t get sound to work, until i saw this post…which I started :smiley: :smiley:


In my case the audio stopped working entirely when i enabled attenuation, so i had to attach the audio component to the actor, otherwise the audio wouldnt play:

WhooshAC = CreateDefaultSubobject<UAudioComponent>(TEXT("WhooshAC"));
WhooshAC->AttachTo(GetRootComponent(), "", EAttachLocation::KeepRelativeOffset, false);

In blueprint components are automatically attached but it seems but in c++ no


Gawd thank you

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So this working for the most part but I would really like for the audio to continue playing instead of starting over when I re-enter the radius of the sound attenuation. Any way to do that? Thanks

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Answer in the last post here


you re the best

Hey just coming across this later, took like 20 minutes to find the looping setting for me so…
if anyone has any troubles finding it with audio that has just been dragged into the level:
The looping setting is on the audio itself, it’s not on the actor that was placed, you gotta double click on the audio in the content browser and find looping there

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Yep easy fix, worked for me too