Sony Xperia Z3 Compact tablet is unable to open default level after the game was started

My game was set up to use Level000 as the first level to be opened after the game start (project settings → maps&modes → default maps → game default map). Level000 is an empty level with main menu widget. The project was packed for Android (ETC1).

Right now my game’s start sequence is simple:
(1) Open Level000 after the game was started.
(2) Open Level001 after “Start” button was pressed on the main menu widget.

I have two devices I use for testing: Sony Xperia Z smartphone (5.0.2), and Sony Xperia Z3 Compact tablet (4.4.4). There is no problem with the starting sequence on the smartphone, but the tablet somehow ignors step (1), and opens Level001 immediately after the game start.

NOTE: After I encountered the bug, I made a simple event to open Level000 from Level001, and the tablet was able to open the level, so the device is aware of the Level000 existance, it just cannot open it immediately after the game start.

Hello MrSeival,

I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed set of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any blueprints that may be involved with this issue?
  4. Could you provide the exact version of the OS that is being run on the device?

Hello Rudy,

I just tried to reproduce the issue on a clean project, and the issue didn’t occur. I’ll try to investigate what blueprints may be involved, and let you know.

My Sony Xperia Z3 Compact tablet uses Android OS 4.4.4. I’m not sure what additional information regarding the OS should I provide. Just build number, or everything from the About page?

Now I can confirm that the issue is not tied to Android OS version. I updated the tablet’s OS from 4.4.4 to 5.0.2 - problem still occurs in my project, and doesn’t occur in clean new project.

Regarding the blueprints from my project. I’m not sure how exactly the issue can be tied to blueprints as it occurs just after game start, when blueprints didn’t start working yet, and Level000 (main menu) has only the following in the level blueprint:

Could you try deleting your save and intermediate folders and then package the project again? Have you tried removing the project from the device completely before packaging the project onto the device again?

I managed to narrow down the issue. Please, look at the screenshot I posted above, in my previous reply. I detached Control Screensaver node, compiled, and re-assembled the build.

Now game shows the following error after the start: “The map specified on commandline ‘Game/Levels/Level001/Level/Level001’ could not be found. Would you like to load the default map instead?”. When I confirm - game opens Level000.

What is really interesting is that the error message now appears on both devices, not just the tablet.

I also tried to do as you suggested with the Control Screensaver node still detached. New build shows the mentioned error after the game start on both devices.

What is that “commandline” from the error exactly? How it can override the default map?

You will need to go to your project settings and then navigate to the maps and modes portion. There you will see where you can set your default map.

I did this before I reported the issue. Default map both for game and editor was set to Level000 (I mentioned this in my first post).

According to the error I mentioned (“The map specified on commandline ‘Game/Levels/Level001/Level/Level001’ could not be found. Would you like to load the default map instead?”) and loading Level000 after I confirmed the default map loading - game really considers Level000 as default map, but somehow it tries to override default map with Level001 at the start.

What is the nature of the error about commandline? What exactly is that commandline? Can I affect it somehow from the editor?

Just wanted to ask not to close the question yet, as I’m still trying to fix the problem on my side.

Hmm, I tried to delete saved and intermediate folders again, and then re-assembled the build. Now everything works fine, the issue has gone. Looks like I missed something last time I did the same thing… I’m sorry :slight_smile:

So, this isn’t a bug, but some kind of cache that interfered with the game. It would be great if the editor had some “clear cache” button that would remove all cache files safely. Deleting the folders manually, and restoring some options in the editor afterwards in order to clear the cache, is not very user-friendly. Is it technically possible to implement such thing?

I am happy to hear that you were able to get your project working. As for the Clear Cache option I have written up a feature request ( UE-24362) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available.

Make it a great day

Thanks :slight_smile: