Something is wrong with my shadows.

What am I doing wrong?

Its the Anti-Aliasing Method. Your using a temporal one either TSR or TAA. Both blend past frames together which is why you’re flickering light’s shadows keep blending into scene(that why they look so bad). That’s also why the moths are ghosting.

TSR and TAA are also used to hide artifacts like hair and Lumen…But they have their own artifacts like blurring the entire image unless the camera is still, and ghosting artifacts(you’re moths).

These methods, including dlss(another temporal filter) have ruined games. Epic Games, Nvidia, pretty much every big studio has basically stated that this is the industry standard.

It’s up to us to make sure that doesn’t happen. Ever heard of Forced TAA?
Use cinematic fxaa. Yeah, you’ll get some shimmering but its why better then idiotic Temporal crap.

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