Does DFAO work in an exisiting scene or is it compulsary to take a new empty scene? I read the document and it said that remove that “Remove unsupported primitive types (Brushes, Destructibles, Landscape, etc)”. I have landscape in my scene, so that means that I need to delete it and create it back again right? Correct me if I misunderstood.
“Remove existing lights in the level (you may have to rebuild lighting once to get rid of baked GI from Static/Stationary lights), and place a Skylight. Change Mobility to Movable”. Since I have movable lights in my scene do, Should I remove those lights and place new lights in level?
It will work in an existing scene. The document recommending to remove unsupported items is just to let you know that these are not supported and will not work with DFAO. For instance, Brushes (BSP) are not supported and will not generate a Distance Field to enable the DFAO.
For lighting you shouldn’t have to remove the lights to get DFAO to work once you’ve got the movable skylight in the scene. If you remove all lights (or at the very least uncheck Affects World in the lights properties) and rebuild lights this will wipe any static light bakes.
Landscape and instanced static meshes are supported by DFAO in 4.7.
You don’t have to remove everything in your scene and we will probably update the doc. However if you have any large static meshes (non-modular) their distance field is going to be very low resolution and the technique will not have good quality as a result. Anything that is non-uniformly scaled (squished) more than 2x in one direction will cause problems with the lighting too. For these reasons it doesn’t always work out of the box in arbitrary scenes, it can be useful to start with a simple scene and build up with the technique enabled.
There are basically no exposed options for DFGI at the moment as it’s a hidden feature, we intend to add useful ones when it is exposed. Not sure when that will be yet, still a very early feature.