Some data left over when re-importing the mesh


I want to know why after using the new import framework in UE5.5, the FSkeletalMeshLODModel::ActiveBoneIndices in the re-overwritten skeletalmesh file will not be cleared and then new values ​​will be added.
The code FMeshUtilities::BuildSkeletalModelFromChunks will clear Section and IndefexBuffer at the beginning, and the final call to USkeletalMesh::CalculateRequiredBones will also clear RequiredBones.
When reimporting the previous 5.1 version, a new one will be created in FFbxImporter::ImoportSkeletalMesh, which will naturally be cleared.
This leads to a problem: if the re-imported Skeletal Mesh uses fewer bones, the index values ​​of ActiveBoneIndices will be retained beyond SkeletalMesh::RefSkeleton::GetNum(), but what is the actual use of these retained values?

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Steps to Reproduce

  1. import a skeletal mesh(fbx)
  2. edit mesh in 3ds max, use less bone
  3. reimport/override the mesh .

Expected Result

all the values in USkeletalMesh::GetResourceForRendering()->LODRenderData[i].ActiveBoneIndices are valid

Observed Result

USkeletalMesh::GetResourceForRendering()->LODRenderData[i].ActiveBoneIndices has some values ​​that exceed


windows 11

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Is it ok if I just add this line to solve the issue?