I converted my project from 4.16 to 4.18 version, and the problem of VRPawn is appeared. The camera is get below the floor when I start the playing. I tried to adjust the camera to the proper height but it didn’t solve my problem. I created the new project with VR features, I tried the VR in it and everything is okay.
I’ve checked these things and I assume they’re correct. The VRPawn’s blueprint is default and I haven’t changed the parameters. I’ll show you more photos if you require.
I mean a brand new VR Pawn in the current level, with just the Enable HMD and Set Tracking Origin to Floor Level. Structure: Root Scene Component –> VR Origin (Scene Component) –> VR Camera. Place it in the level, flush to the floor, and possess it.
Sorry, my bad. Thank you guys for your help! In the blueprint editor I just added a new pin called “OculusHMD” in the Switch on Name node and I tied the output to the same node as “OculusRift”. However, I found this site earlier about blueprint 4.17 issue, that time I changed the name, and this way didn’t work for me. Thank you again!