I’ve troubles with upgrading my c++ project from ue 4.24 to 4.25 under Linux.
When I try to start project, it says:
“Engine modules are out of date, and cannot be compiled while the engine is running. Please build through your IDE”.
in console:
ERROR: Building would modify the following engine files:
Please rebuild from an IDE instead.
My projects are located in unreal main folder, subfolder ue4. “ue4” is added to UE4Games.uprojectdirs.
I’ve try:
run Setup.sh
run GenerateProjectFiles.sh (my project files are present in UE4.pro).
The engine is rebuilded from scratch (about 1.5 hours).
I try to run my project, it says again that “Engine modules are out of date…”
go to source folder, locate {nameofproject}.Target.cs and {nameofproject}Editor.Target.cs. After the line
add to both file the following
I also had this same error, and it also indicated having to rebuild many SOs as well as the UE4Editor.
I applied the solution from sam.new but it wasn’t enough. I noticed that UBT is invoked by the editor on start up with:
/path/to/UE4/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe Development Linux -Project="/path/to/project/project.uproject" -TargetType=Editor -Progress -NoEngineChanges -NoHotReloadFromIDE
So, not having anything to lose, I removed the last two command line options as they looked like candidates contributing to the error message and re-invoked it with just:
/path/to/UE4/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe Development Linux -Project="/path/to/project/project.uproject" -TargetType=Editor -Progress
which solved the problem … and allowed me fix the errors causing the failure in the first palce
Just for any looking at this in future. The solution I gave above only applicable when upgrading old project on Linux from 4.24 or below to 4.25+ and you have no other error.
But if you have gis hotreload error or a menu showing that engine modules cant be compiled while editor is running then use the solution that @TestSubject89 has suggested. These problems are not the same
I don’t know if I am missing something, but I didn’t found a complete solution,
As @TestSubject89 says, you have to remove two options if the solution given by @anon3589488 is not enough.
You can do it in the file : Engine/Source/Developer/DesktopPlatform/Private/DesktopPlatformBase.cpp
Hey there, so i followed @nealith instructions, but still getting the problem popping up… Hav ei not recompiled my engine correctly? just saveing the changed code file to the same location?
/home//UE/UnrealEngine/GenerateProjectFiles.sh /home/projectName/projectName.uproject -game
cd /home/projectName/
make projectNameEditor
then try to run again. So you need to make ‘Editor’ project for this… it was hard enough for me.