[SOLVED] Post Process Materials

Hello , how can i connect my Post Process Materials in Dynamic Material Instance please ?

The Solution

It’s much easier to use a material parameter collection. Then you can just assign the material to your PP, and change the parameters at runtime :slight_smile:

??? What ???

I don’t know precisely which aspect of this you are ‘what’-ing about, but I found that although assigning material dynamics to PP volumes is technically possible, you would not believe how many nodes you need to get simple effects.

So… it’s much easier to make the material use an MPC, and then you can just change the parameters at runtime in the usual way

Thanks for out of context :slight_smile: i want change the “scale” parameter with my Timeline , but thanks.

Scale of what? Ah - you mean scalar param? Which one?

Yes , but i need connect my Post Process Material with Dynamic Material

You mean this?


Only 0 to 1 ? :frowning: i need more choice for scale parameter ( 30 to 0 )

But it goes from 0 - 1… :sunglasses:

You can divide that up into 30 bits, if you want…

Nice idea , new progression , so close to find solution :frowning:

If you want to change the blend weight, that’s your only option.

If you want to change another parameter, you have to tell me which one.

imagine i have differents parameters in my Material Instance with differents values ??

0 solution ?

Well … UE 5 need more updates :smiley:

i try to change parameter in Post Process Material like that , but Unreal can’t …

The Solution :

Yes, I think you got this from one of my old posts, but I still don’t understand what we are setting, the scale of what?

What I’m saying is, if you use MPCs, your material looks like this

and you can set the PP value without a material instance