I have both ForestGeneratorPrivatePCH.h and ForestEdMode.h in Private folder of my plugin, but trying to add inside ForestGeneratorPrivatePCH.h this line
#include "ForestEdMode.h"
results in
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: ‘ForestEdMode.h’: No such file or directory MyProject c:\users\mvlabat\documents\unreal projects\myproject\plugins\forestgenerator\source\forestgenerator\private\ForestGeneratorPrivatePCH.h 8
Moving ForestEdMode.h to Public folder doesn’t help. I’ve tried recreating the plugin and the project several times - all in vain.
The problem was because of the header file wasn’t actually in the same folder. It was only displayed in Visual Studio so, because I used adding existing file. I supposed this feature copies chosen files into selected folder, my bad.
Just make sure, that your “AssetStreamer.h” is the same physical folder as it’s shown in VS. (Do it with windows explorer, for example.) If it’s not here, move it where it has to be, after that try to run GenerateProjectFiles.bat in your project folder - that’ll fix your files tree in VS.