If you have stationary directional light, try to rebuild lighting and try to change it to movable. Also try another Translucency/Lighting Mode in decal material properties.
I tried what you suggested… I rebuilt the lighting but I am only using movable lights anyways. It also seems like all the options under Translucency in my Decal editor are greyed out except for Mobile Separate Trans and Allow Custom Depth Writes. I tried the Mobile option to no avail.
I am curious if you know about decals not working with your template?
I created a new VR game using the Unreal Engine 4.18 VR template and the decals work just fine. Then I loaded a new fresh instance of your template and I cannot get decals (deferred decals) to work at all. Do you know why? What am I missing? Is there something different in your template?
How it this thread marked as solved? I have the same issue. No decals at 4.17. If I set the Blend Mode to Translucent, the material just disappears. Is there any solution to that? Thanks.
Well, I’ve been searching for days but I found the solution as soon as I posted a question. This tutorial explained it very simple. Turns out my decals were always there, they were just completely translucent and with a bit of emissive color, the appeared back.