[Solution] Particle Size Not Scaling with Niagara System in Level

When attempting to scale a Niagara System in the scene, I found that the particles do not scale along with the system, which directly breaks the effect. I found some useful posts and have summarized two methods that are clear and helpful.

Original post link: Scale a niagara particle system

Normal Effect:

Effect After Scaling:

As you can see, the particle size does not scale uniformly with the system, and the effect is completely changed.

Method 1

  1. Check the “Local Space” option in the Emitter Properties (this method only works for local-space effects and is not applicable to world-space effects).

    Screenshot 2024-10-21 104530

  2. Create a Niagara Modular Script and connect the nodes as shown in the link: Niagara System scale modular script posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine (You can copy it directly; I’m unsure about the specific steps), or you can follow the image to connect it manually.

    The logic is simple: Get the XYZ scale of the Niagara system object, multiply the XY values with the particle size (Sprite Size), and multiply the X value with the ribbon width (Ribbon Width). This will allow the particles to scale uniformly with the system.

  3. Drag the completed Niagara Modular Script into all emitters, preferably placing it below “Initialize Particle.”

    Screenshot 2024-10-21 102152

  4. Save the Niagara System, drag it into the scene, and test the effect. The expected outcome is that the particles will scale uniformly with the system.

Method 2

Niagara actually has a built-in module that applies system scaling called “Apply Owner Scale to Attributes,” which can be added from the “Particle Update” section.

When I tested this method, I encountered a small issue: the effect I used for testing involved a Death Event, which caused a scaling problem with this module.

Details and solution: Scaling Issue with the "Apply Owner Scale to Attributes" Module in Niagara Using Death Event