I can’t seem to get rid of my solid black shadows no matter what I do to my lights. My scene is lit with one directional light and one skylight, even after a production build I’m getting some weird results that just don’t look right, see the links below. (Ignore the rebuild lighting warning, they look pretty much identical).
When you say “Skylight” do you mean the placed skylight actor? if so, that one is still a bit in development. It is designed to capture the scene’s sky and build indirect lighting from that. Maybe you don’t have the radius of the capture large enough to see your actual sky?
Also, maybe try not using the skylight, and instead using Environment intensity in world properties. Then you can specify an ambient cubemap. Rebuilding lighting will use the environment intensity to mask the strength of indirect light in the lightmaps which should affect the ambient cubemap contribution.
Directional light settings > reset all the shadows settings do the same in world shadows settings after set sky light to stationary verify directional lighting settings > cascated shadow maps and reset settings, verify again world settings >
light softness and reset after build all… sorry for bad english