Soft Light Fades in and out?


So I’m working on some basic lighting for a bedroom. This issue is that some of the light (coming from a point light) will fade in and out depending on distance. It seems to only be the lighting that is (presumably?) bouncing off the lamp shade. Is there a way to get this to stop happening? Or at least can someone explain what is happening?

Ideal situation would be to see that light all the time. Barring that, removing it entirely would be fine too.

Thank you!!

It’s post processing, the engine defaults.

You can stop it happening by placing a PP volume for yourself. Set it to infinite, and set min and max exposure to 0 :slight_smile:

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Hi Clockwork!

Thanks for the help. I did already have a post processing volume active, set at infinite and the min and max exposure being equal. While that does make it so the harsh light (for lack of a better term) stays no matter where I am, the soft light doesn’t seem to be affected.

I did try removing it and adding the post process volume to my character instead. Didn’t seem to help. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?

Edit: It does actually add back in a harsh light that comes out from the bottom of the lamp shade, which is nice. But that soft orange light still comes and goes depending on distance.

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Hmm, not sure, I’m afraid. Can be very difficult to diagnose this stuff from a distance… :thinking:

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No worries. Think I’ll just try to find a workaround some other way. Thanks for the help and advice though!!