Soft Class References returning None/Null

I am using an DataTable that contains information about UObjects to be created during runtime. I am using Soft Class References to avoid possible problems with loading too many classes into memory (so the solution for this other similar post is a no-go for me).

The problem is that sometimes, the class reference is passed as “none”, even though it is perfectly determined in the data table. To fix this, I have to clear and re-assign the soft class reference value. Still, I want to understand why this happens.

Have you tried using “Async Load Asset” on you soft reference? It’s basically just a link to the asset in the datatable. You need to manually load the asset for it to work.

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Thank you! This solved it (actually, synchronous load also does the trick).

In case anyone is wondering how to do this in C++ (which was my case):

Synchronous Load:
Deference the TSoftClassPtr with the function SynchronousLoad()

Asynchronous Load:
You may find this post useful.
It explains how to use TSoftClassPtr::ToSoftObjectPath to Obtain an FSoftObjectPath and use it as described in the second half of this documentation.

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