Hi. It seems that static mesh sockets break if you name sockets using name_number notation and use the duplicate function. Here are the steps to reproduce the bug:
Create 2 sockets and name them anything_00 and anything_01
Duplicate the first socket
The sockets should now disappear from the Socket Manager window but still be on the screen with no way to select them
It seems that the engine tries to assign the next available number to the duplicated socket but fails in doing so and bugs out.
I was not able to reproduce this in UE4.11.2 following the repro steps you’ve provided. Instead, when I duplicate the first socket, it adds another underscore and digit as shown in the image below:
Also, I am still able to select the socket in both the view port and socket manager. So are you in the latest version of UE4.11? (ie. 4.11.2 as shown above?) If so, please send a copy of your dxdiag so we can see if this a hardware issue.
I’m on 4.11.2. Any way I can send you a copy of my dxdiag without making it public online?
I’ve also just noticed another bug which I was going to post but since it might be related I’ll wait for your reply on this. On importing sockets from the FBX file (exported from Blender), I get a similar issue in that the sockets are visible in the editor but not in the Socket Manager. Also can’t click them or do anything with them.
Here’s a screenshot of that:
Since it appears both issues are resolved upon re-importing from Blender, I suspect the issue was with a FBX export setting in Blender or an import setting in UE4. Let me know if you see this again and you have verified the settings are the same for both successful and “bugged” imports -Thanks.