Hello, I parented my USceneComponent and attached it to my USkeletalMeshComponent socket. It didn’t seem to parent it because it shows nothing in the details panel. How do I update my details panel/update my C++ to get it to work?
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Hopefully, this category change will help in getting an answer. In the meantime, good luck and happy developing!
Press ctrl + alt + f11 to compile through live coding. This should update your editor to reflect your code. If this doesn’t work then there’s probably something a lot more difficult to fix or your code is wrong and we’ll need more information like code bits and screenshots of the editor to fix it. Also make sure you save the .cpp and .h files before doing the live coding shortcut–it will only update based on the saved file.
Alternatively, if you’re programing in Visual Studio you can just build from there, however this takes significantly longer than live coding. The project doesn’t actually save all of the code to the current build files when using live coding though, so if you don’t build through VS then the next time you open the project you’ll have to compile through live coding to reupdate the project. Additionally, when packaging your project to be used and run as a standalone, you will need to build from VS first as the packaging sequence uses the current build, not the loaded state of the project in the editor.