you can copy and paste it in, but you have to fix a few things on it as it will break
HI ,
I opened the level blueprint in the main map. Deleted all non-weather related stuff then pressed compile. It seems ok. Then I tried to select all remaining items pressed CTRL+C switched to my own map opened the level blueprint and pressed CTRL+V. The result was a crash with fatal error.
So what the hell is going wrong?
just keep trying, you might have to do smaller copy paste selections, then take some pictures of it so you can cross refrence with the with your map and fix any errors or missing links etc
Well crappy I3 processor with 8 GB ram doesn’t help the effort to much… But the map is almost ready besides the weather fail.
Hi Thanks for the thread very useful has helped me a lot in getting started
I have a question that’s been bugging me do you set up the IslandWallBounds and Ceiling ? Cant work out how they block the player from walking off the map area.
Lol Sorry, I worked it out funny that I have been looking for how it was done all morning and as soon as I post… I work it out !
Blocking Volume and visible
All done for the blueprint. I can’t seem to add the PARTICLES into the COMPONENTS.
And I can’t seem to find out how to add the DefaultRefs.
Is there any way or do I have to add those to my map? I have no idea.
They should follow over when you copy paste, They did for me atleast
Nice they don’t do it for me. I copy them from the original. Place into my graph, connect them then compile and error.
Can I set them up manually?
I did it manually.
hi ,
small question about the basics
you said:
This guide will take into consideration that you have ADK installed and working and have loaded up the island at least once.
then select save as and navigate to your new mods folder and save it as the folder name
Now lets load up the island and copy over what we need to make a working weather/day&night cycle as well as the waterplane, simply CTRL+Click then CTRL+C to copy then CTRL+V to paste (you might have to take a few files at a time as it sometimes wont copy/paste if you select them all at once)
its the: then select save as and navigate to your new mods folder and save it as the folder name…i dont understand…
so you make a folder: named map name in mods dir…ok
then load up he island and copy the items…then paste them into that folder??? but it wont let me…
or do i have to make a folder, then create new level in it and paste the island items inthere??
then worldcompo to create new sublevel for the landscape??
or vreate a new landscape and put the folders inthere? but then is the landscape persistent…
bit stuck help pls
never mind found it
another problem is that everytime i create a new submap, it creates level boundries…?
can i delete them for now?
I deleted them…still waiting for answer
another problem, I want to test my map in editor, placed, harvesteble tree, rock and dinos
also a player start position nearby…
when I hit PLAY, I spawn about in the middle of the map, high enough to fall to my death…
any ideas???
+1 for the tutorial so far
did you set the correct settings for the playerstart? you also need to put the main blueprint into your map to make it playable
yeah, found it alrdy…thx for the fast reply
I had set my player start while “dinospawn” submap was on…
fixed it by setting it on persistend map
cooking the nem map up now, see if my custom trees will be there now
spreaded all files out, hoping…
my trees work, now the rest of it
many many many thx to you rlly +100
but 1 more problem now, when i uploaded my map on steam and played it, everything was ok, but sometimes the screen goes dark, see picture…
if I turn my head or run around a bit its good,…until bad again
any ideas?? followed ure tutorial to the bone now, was at adding foilage (to far and near)
there is something wrong with the ocean then
just copy/pasted it from main island map, didnt adjust any height or anything to it…
if i look up i dont have it mostly, but when looking normal, its dark…
when i go side wards, its good…?
also, problem with submaps, everytime is select a submap, my other submaps items get misplaced somewhere else…
Ive finally made my trees , placed them on my submap, went back to persistent…my foilage went to middle of map or ocean…
here some screens:
this is how my screen look ingame…when i walk, someties its perfect, then again…blank
also ingame, so sometimes i can see
The issue is from the post processing that is attached to the ocean, Its what gives the player the underwater blur, It causes black outs on the screen if its missing or disabled
so how to fix the view?
and what about the submaps shifting?
cant place anything now, because if i do and i change submap for something else, thing are moved…
place in the post process for the water and it should be fine, and as for your other question, I dont know
Dear and other experts! First of all, thank you for your helpful guides and comments. Having extensively searched the forums and come across some bits and pieces of information about floating islands, I’m still confused; mainly because I’m a total beginner to the Dev Kit. In particular, I’m unsure as to where to start, as in how doing this would differ from the stages described in this guide for instance. Would it be possible to perhaps make a step by step guide specifically for floating islands? If time is an issue, maybe such a guide would only briefly describe the essential steps rather than contain pictures etc.? My tribe and I would be eternally grateful, as would many others I’m sure!
postprocessing did the trick azumi
2meshky:::just add a new submap and create ure floating island on it, boundries camouflage with rocks…
Im still at trying to get the submaps to wotk correctly…now, when i swith between subs, foilage and others are placed somewhere else…
4 posts on the forums and no good answer still