Dragging an item from the content browser onto a landscape with snapping on does not work. See the attached video. I found several reports on this which are years old, apparently this problem has been around without any work done to it.
link text
I don’t think it’s a bug, I have the same behavior:
- When you drag and object from the content browser to the map, the minute you let go of it, it will snap to the landscape.
- If you want to see it snap to the landscape, all you have to do is start dragging it after you added it to the scene, however you need to drag it using the X and Y axis simultaneous (click the square between the two axis of the object;s transform)
No, look at my video. When I release the object it just hangs in the air. When I press the end key it goes down to the surface, but when I drag it around it stays on the exact same Z-height going into or above terrain, not following it.
You can’t see it in my video but I actually have to press the end key to make it go down on the terrain
Hi ,
It looks like you are using the individual axes for movement, which will move the object without regard to snapping. Try using the small handle in the middle of the transform tool, do you see a difference when you use this to move the actor?
No, it makes no difference. besides, when I drag it into the world it doesnt snap to landscape. It does snap to other meshes though, just not to the landscape. I think it worked in the past but stopped at some point.
I tried it on a virgin project and it works correctly there. So it must be something in my project, either that the landscape is maybe too big or maybe has too much foilage or something like that
I checked for any related settings in the editor and project preferences but I wasn’t able to find anything that sounded like it it turns this feature on or off
I am doing some more experiments because right now the whole map I developed of the past week is screwed and I fear I may have to start from scratch.
This behavior (among other problems I have) has something to do with the foliage system I think, perhaps also with the landscape material or a combination of both. I was able to reproduce it on a new level with a virgin landscape and it went away after I removed the instanced foliage mesh.
This is getting weirder. I was not able to salvage my level. I had to basically start from scratch. I started with a landscape and then some terraforming, adding some cliffs, change the landscape some more. it worked for a while and then at some point this whole mess started again. I can’t drop objects on the surface anymore.
Something is seriously wrong with the landscape system
, this is not going away, I revert to maps saved at an earlier time, do some editing and then the snap mechanism is broken again at some time. I am uploading a project to my server now, it’s 4GB and it contains lots of items I bought on the market place so I can not post a link here. Can I send you the link in private? You can just open the map I am working on there and try to drop any item in the world and you will see that the snapping part does not work
Please keep in mind that it may take us up to 4 days to respond, this is to give us time to work on reported threads. You can send me a message here:
In it, please provide a link to the project. It would be preferable to strip out any content that is not required to reproduce the error so it is easier to upload and download. Additionally, in the message please provide what exact steps you are taking when this occurs.
Thanks, I sent the link, I work on for now, hopefully you will be able to fix this in time so that the maps will work again
I’ve attached a video with what I am seeing on my end. Snapping with the transform tool seems to work for me by using the middle handle instead of the individual axes, is this not what you are seeing?
Sure, that happens at first in a new landscape, but in my map, at some point, as I worked on, it stopped to work this way. the item would just hang right in fron to of the camera and I had to press END to make it fall down on the surface but it would not stick to the surface even then,
I tried the project I sent you on another machine to make sure it is not a matter of my installation and it showed the same error there.
I don’t know if it has anything to do with the size or the number of objects or the type of objects, thats why I left all objects in the scene and sent it complete so you have something to work on that shows the error immediately
I would like to add that I remade my map piece by piece from an earlier backup, this time making small step backups in case the error happens again. Last night I made my last changes before going to bed and all was working fine.
Today I load the map, tried to drag an item into the map and the error is there again.
This was after I did some experiments on another map with huge lightmaps.
I then restarted the UE program and loaded the same map again and this time, the snap behavior is correct. I should add that it was not possible to “recover” the correct behavior a few days ago when I first reported this, but today it seems to work.
However another copy of the map (the one I sent you) still shows the error.
This must have something to do perhaps with a memory state that is stored with the map once it happens.
I was lucky in the sense that today, when I realized that my work map showed the error right after loading it, I did not save it when I exited UE, so that when I restarted UE and had a clean memory and loaded the map, the error was gone, so I did not save the error with the map. I am sure something happens that is then stored with the map and makes it corrupt from then on
The next time this happens, try using the console command “RecreateLandscapeCollision” and see if this fixes the error.
Yes this fixed the problem, thanks. I don’t know what caused the error in the first place though, since I did nothing except sculpting and painting the terrain and placing and removing objects
did you add any landscape visibility masking?
yes I have a cave entrance and another dungeon, they paint a hole into the landscape and then there’s a tunnel underneath. Is that a problem?
It may be what caused the collision to need to be recreated. Did you build your world after these were added?
Yes, I clicked on “Build All” several times but the problems didn’t go away with that
Can you send me the map this is occurring on? Even with trying to set the visibility mask I have been unable to reproduce this.