Wondering if there is a way to simply move my Camera Boom’s SocketOffset smoothly between two locations. I’ve been tooling around with VinterpTo, but that is just instantly snapping it to the new location without a smoothing transition.
That’s not how vInterp works. At the moment there’s nothing to interpolate here.
You’d need to use Tick with vInterp To and plug the SocketOffset into Current pin. Also, Delta Time is not a constant value, find the node GetDeltaWorldSeconds and plug it in there (or the DeltaSeconds from the Tick node).
I do get what you’re saying, and I’d rather stay away from a Tick node. I plan on this transition whenever I press a button, so I think a Timeline would suffice for that?
I think there’s a lots of misconception about Tick node out there. Folks have been demonising its use. If you were to put the same interpolation method side by side: Timeline vs Tick, I’m pretty sure Timeline would be less performant. In any case, this would have a totally negligible overall effect on performance, even on mobile.
It’s not about not using Tick. It’s about not putting stuff in there that does not belong. Like updating user interface - you do not need to do it every frame, do it only when the values change.
While the Timeline is doing its magic, it’s also doing it every frame, just like Tick but with an entire curve editor attached to it…
To get you something more tangible to think about: choose the right tool for the job, get to the solution quickly and worry about refactoring code later.
If you wanted to code a physically accurate homing missile whose target is moving erratically, you would need to use Tick + interpolation. You can always Gate Tick action so it fires only when needed. On the other hand, if you want to precisely control how much time it takes to go from A to B, use Timeline.