Smooth zoom in PlayController?

I have bound my Camera Wheel Up & Down action mappings to these functions:

void ADefaultPlayerController::OnSetCameraZoomInPressed()
	AMainCharacter* character = Cast<AMainCharacter>(GetPawn());

	if (character != nullptr)
		CameraZoomCurrent = FMath::Clamp(CameraZoomCurrent - CameraZoomFactor, CameraZoomMinimum, CameraZoomMaximum);
			CameraZoomCurrent, GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds(), CameraZoomSpeed));

void ADefaultPlayerController::OnSetCameraZoomOutPressed()
	AMainCharacter* character = Cast<AMainCharacter>(GetPawn());

	if (character != nullptr)
		CameraZoomCurrent = FMath::Clamp(CameraZoomCurrent + CameraZoomFactor, CameraZoomMinimum, CameraZoomMaximum);
			CameraZoomCurrent, GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds(), CameraZoomSpeed));

No matter what values I set for CameraZoomFactor (how much the camera zooms per mouse wheel scroll “notch”) and CameraZoomSpeed, the zoom is still really choppy and not at all what I’m looking for.

Any ideas what is wrong and why my zoom isn’t “smooth”?
