Smooth crouching replication

Hey all, what would be the best way to add a smooth crouching system that’s replicated. I’ve tried this with timelines but I just get stuttering on the client.

Are you using the default character class (character movement component)? If so, it has built -in crouch/un-crouch networked functionality.

Otherwise show your code (BP/C++). Can’t help unless we see what you’re doing.

Only replicate the state crouched/uncrouched like in the default character class. Don’t replicate the movement.

React on the replicated state change and start the animation of crouching/uncrouching on every client on its own.


This is old but… what i did was to handled the local smotheness of the Camera container with a FTimeline.

When a press crouch im call the native character crouch and then run the timeline ONLY on local player and with a simple compensation system got the smoothness for the FPS Local camera (im not using Spring arms to keep inmediatly response on inputs)

*Setup required values

	StandingCapsuleHeight = Character->GetCapsuleComponent()->GetScaledCapsuleHalfHeight();
		CrouchingCapsuleHeight = StandingCapsuleHeight * CrouchHeightScale;
  • Get the relative camera location
FVector USlideCrouchComponent::GetRelativeCameraLocationOnCrouch(const float& Alpha) const
	float CameraRelativeLocationZ;
	const float DiffZPosition = StandingCapsuleHeight - CrouchingCapsuleHeight;

	if (Character->GetGroundMovement() == EGroundMovement::Standing)
		// On Uncrouching
		CameraRelativeLocationZ = FMath::Lerp(
			CameraRelativeLocation.Z, // to this
			CameraRelativeLocation.Z - DiffZPosition, // from this
		// On Crouching or slide
		CameraRelativeLocationZ = FMath::Lerp(
			CameraRelativeLocation.Z + DiffZPosition, // from this
			CameraRelativeLocation.Z, // to this

	return FVector(CameraRelativeLocation.X, CameraRelativeLocation.Y, CameraRelativeLocationZ);

*Method FTimeline execute on play or reverse

void USlideCrouchComponent::HandleCrouchHeight(const float Alpha) const
	if (IsValid(Character) && IsValid(Character->GetFPSCamera()) && Character->GetLocalRole() == ROLE_AutonomousProxy)
  • When press crouch:
  • When uncrouch

How do you handle inconsistencies with line traces from camera between client and server (autonomous vs authority)?

Right now im not implemented line trace features… yet, so dont have a list of troubles, but yes, might give a desync between client and server line trace validation, maybe i will to add a threshhold on Z…

Some topics to beware about it ?

Depends on the type of game. For example I’m working on a BR. Line traces from camera are used for looting, and weapons firing. For projectiles I use the camera trace to determine down range trajectory… basically all of aiming.

Any discrepancies in the camera position, pitch, yaw between client and server results in a bad experience for the client. Server authority!

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