,Smooth 2d scene capture edges


I got a little problem. I hava a 3d model that I need to put in my character selection menu. I am able to do it, but the edges of the captured model are ugly.

See by yourself :


I’m new using the materials & scene capture on Unreal Engine (I’m better while making game funcs), and I have no idea to how to smooth these edges. I have tryed to put an outline material for my 3D model (was thinking that it will hide the ugly cut of these edges, but nope, stille ugly).

Everything looks good for me… I’m lost there…

- The render target :

- The material :

- The 2D Scene Capture Camera settings :


If someone know a way to smooth this, I need your help !
If you need a screen or something else, tell it to me :slight_smile:
Thank you so much !