I need an animation in which a character is smoking so I need a trail of smoke. It is like making a trail and link it the bone, but what I have isn´t as a realistic smoke, I dont know how achieve it…
I don´t know if the trails particles support materials with textures. I followed the tutorials from epic and get the trail, but that doesn´t seems Smoke, the most I´ve got is what you see in the picture, on the other hand, I tried to mix for a test smoke test scene of epic, but I failed to display properly, so in the picture aren´t conected to the main node.
If you have any resources, assistance, book, video or anything that will help me I will be very grateful, thank you very much guys!
You dont need the trail effect, you can just have a regular smoke particle effect for something like cig smoke.
Gpu particles with vector field come to mind.
Uhm, vector fields depend on the 3d app you are using, here is a video (with plugin) for 3dsmax: 3dsMax to UE4 Vector Fields - YouTube but if you google for maya, blender etc im sure you can find something cool.
In the example showcase map for particles you can find a few fire and smoke particle , these would be able to show you what you need.
random fire tutorial: UE4 - Making Fire - Screen Space GPU Particles - YouTube (I am sure you can find more if you google “Ue4 smoke particles”.
Most of these tutorials also learn you how to set the materials
I also highly recommend you check out the video series created by Epic on how to make particles, best practices, and more. It’s a really fun tutorial created by Zak at Epic, see here: