Smelogs Playground

Post-Match Result Screen

Hello everyone :slightly_smiling_face:
So this is going to be a long one and I’m for sure missing things. This was weeks in the making.

Improving the post-match result screen, there were a lot of things not up to the quality standards.

So here is a breakdown of what we did.

:soap:New better UI

The design process was as with all UI iterations we did focused on making it clearer, more modern, and adding animations.

Some key changes players are sorted by Teams and we indicate the winning team.

We used the same Player widget which displays the player’s name, avatar, and other information in multiple places. This made the Widget Blueprint huge and more and more of a pain to work with UI and BP code-wise. So we separated sub-elements and created new Player widgets for specific screens and use cases.

:microscope:More data

Static Data

Key data that is fast accessible for any player and team’s totals.


For deep dives and analysis.

I love it, the insights it gives are so good. After playtesting sessions, you can catch me starring at them :nerd_face:
Seeing a Final spell or a big battle leaving its mark in the graphs. :star_struck:


This data gives great insights into a player’s approach and execution of the match played.

Spell History

Here we have some room to improve the feature even more showing how efficiently each spell type was used. Already in this state it is very nice to have and makes it easy for players to understand how things evolved without going through the replay analyzing the match.

Initial Base Layout

This is especially good for short matches where cheesy, greedy, or weird strategies get executed. We also allow players to copy the base layout of other players as a quality of live feature so they don’t have to manually trace it.

:bar_chart:Better graphs

Bar graphs are not the best representation for all data so additionally to the Bar graph we already had we added a Line graph and even a Compare graph which allows the player to compare any 2 players with each other.
The Compare graph is a direct inspiration of the League of Legends compare graph.

Compare graphs also work during gameplay for Spectators.

There are a lot of little things we added and had to consider to get them properly displayed. Like negative values, horizontal and vertical indicators, hover information, etc.


Storing the Data in the match history so players can revisit it.
Doesn’t sound like much but it’s a must-have. How else am I able to stare at them after I close the screen? :sweat_smile:


Next couple of weeks we will spend a lot more time polishing and playtesting the game for an upcoming event :eyes:

Let me know what you think and feedback is always welcome.


Smooth Camera

Hello everyone
The camera received a small update with another iteration.

Smoother Movements

More fluid camera panning, rotation, and zoom.

Enhanced Zoom

Increased zoom capability, especially handy for spectators so they can zoom out so far that they can see the whole map at once.

Camera Intro

We also added a camera blend at the start of the match. We did this to solve the issue of players sometimes not immediately identifying which direction the center of the map is. The alternative would have been to add an arrow or another indicator. This solution is not only simpler it’s also a nice way to start a match.


Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! :slightly_smiling_face:


Gameplay Notifications

Hello, community! :video_game:
Embark on a quick journey behind the scenes with us! Today, we’re unraveling the design magic that powers our gameplay notifications. Exciting stuff awaits, let’s dive in! :rocket::mag:

Objective :trophy:

The primary goal of the gameplay notifications in Smelogs Playground is to enhance player communication and awareness by providing real-time updates on major gameplay events. The design aims to make these notifications visually engaging, easy to identify, and seamlessly integrated into the overall gaming experience.

:art: Visual Hierarchy and Placement

The top-right corner was chosen for displaying notifications as it’s a non-intrusive location that allows players to stay focused on the main gameplay area. Placing notifications here ensures they are easily visible without obstructing crucial elements of the screen.

:arrows_counterclockwise: UI Animation

The use of UI animations serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it immediately draws the player’s attention to the notification, ensuring they don’t miss important events. Secondly, the animation provides a dynamic and engaging visual experience, making the game more immersive.

:rainbow: Player Color Identification

Color-coding notifications based on the player’s color serve as a quick and efficient way for players to identify who is involved in the event. This instant recognition is crucial for fast decision-making and strategic planning during gameplay.

:scroll: Rich Text in Chat

Recording all gameplay notifications in the chat with rich text, including timestamps and colored names, serves as a comprehensive log of events. This feature not only helps players review past actions but also adds a layer of strategy as they can analyze the chronology of events during the game.

:dart: Pinging on UI Elements

Allowing players to ping on UI elements is a strategic addition to communication tools. This feature enables players to convey critical information, such as spell charge amounts or Molten Golem spawn times, directly to their teammates. This fosters better teamwork and coordination.

:jigsaw: Design Consistency

Maintaining a consistent design language across all notifications ensures a cohesive and intuitive user experience. Whether it’s a capture point being taken over or a Molten Golem being defeated, players can quickly recognize the significance of each event through consistent design elements.

:speaking_head: User-Friendly Communication

The combination of UI animations, player color identification, and chat logs with rich text contributes to a user-friendly communication system. Players can stay informed, strategize effectively, and communicate seamlessly with their teammates, ultimately enhancing the overall gameplay experience in Smelogs Playground.


Join our Discord to connect with fellow players and share your thoughts!
We’d love to hear what you think about these features and any ideas you might have.
Your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of Smelogs Playground! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey :slightly_smiling_face:
We’ve got an exciting behind-the-scenes update for you as we gear up for the game’s release!

:star2:Daily and Weekly Quests

Thrilled to announce the addition of Daily and Weekly Quests to bring more excitement to your Smelogs adventures. Dive into new challenges every day and week, earning valuable XP.

Quest Animations

Enjoy the satisfaction of completing quests with a dynamic progress animation. This animaiton is a nice touch to your achievements, making your journey even more engaging.

Room for Improvements

We’re actively exploring ways to make the quest system even more captivating. Your feedback is essential in this process, so please share your thoughts on how we can enhance your questing experience further.

:roller_coaster:Menu Flow (UX) Adjustment

To streamline your experience, we’ve adjusted the menu flow to prioritize quest progress post match before showing the Battle Pass XP progress.

:gift:Battle Pass Visuals

The Battle Pass is a central element of your Smelogs journey, and we want it to look as impressive as the rewards it offers. We’ve started working on visual improvements to make the Battle Pass interface more captivating and user-friendly.

Enhancements in Progress

While we’ve initiated improvements, we’re committed to going above and beyond. Expect more updates to the Battle Pass visuals in the upcoming patches. We value your opinions, so feel free to share any specific ideas or elements you’d like to see incorporated.


We can’t wait for you to get your hands on the game.
Get ready for an epic adventure - battling, questing, and having a blast!

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Happy Holidays :christmas_tree::partying_face:

Here is our development recap for 2023.
It was a hectic year with lots of progress. :muscle::nerd_face:

:small_orange_diamond:Reaction: Smelogs Playground with the cute kryptonite. UWU :sweat_smile: - Twitch
:small_orange_diamond:Unreal Feature: ":sunglasses: Share your work #ScreenshotSaturday :turtle:: @PlaySmelogs
:small_orange_diamond:Epic Games Store: Smelogs Playground Coming Soon - Epic Games Store
:small_orange_diamond:Website: Smelogs Playground on Steam (


(Uncut 2v2 gameplay video from the playtest)

Hello game devs
We are running an open playtest on Steam.
Give it a try and let us know what you think any feedback is much appreciated.
Also, if you need someone to play with or against join our Discord and post in the “:mag:looking-for-games” channel and someone from the community or the dev team will gladly join you for a couple of games. :blush::+1:

Over the last month, we made some good progress and added some neat little things I will write more about soon.

Report Player & Sanctions

Hello everyone,
It’s been a while since our last update, and I wouldn’t exactly call it “soon” either! :sweat_smile:

However, I wanted to briefly update you on an important development update.

We’ve implemented the Player Report and Sanctions feature, and it’s been up and running for a while now. We made sure that it’s seamlessly integrated into the game interface for easy access. Thanks to the EOS backend, managing reports and applying sanctions has become a straightforward task.

:writing_hand: Players can select a category that fits best and add a short description to it.
:crown: Feedback is king that is why players will receive an Instant feedback report if a Sanction is applied to a reported player.

This addition has been significant for us, ensuring a smoother experience for all players and better management of misconduct. We’re committed to continuously improving our systems to enhance gameplay and foster a positive community environment.


If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to share them here.
Stay tuned for more updates, and happy gaming!

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:video_game: Exciting News for Smelogs Playground! :rocket:

Gear up for early access on Steam and Epic Games Store starting 18th of April! Dive into our colorful Aztec world and unique gameplay, and be part of the adventure from the beginning.
Don’t miss out mark your calendars! :tada:

Shares on any platform are much appreciated :sparkling_heart:
:arrow_right: Twitter / X

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I created a How to Play Video for Smelogs Playground to get quicker and easier into the game. :slightly_smiling_face:

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