Smelogs Playground

Gameplay Notifications

Hello, community! :video_game:
Embark on a quick journey behind the scenes with us! Today, we’re unraveling the design magic that powers our gameplay notifications. Exciting stuff awaits, let’s dive in! :rocket::mag:

Objective :trophy:

The primary goal of the gameplay notifications in Smelogs Playground is to enhance player communication and awareness by providing real-time updates on major gameplay events. The design aims to make these notifications visually engaging, easy to identify, and seamlessly integrated into the overall gaming experience.

:art: Visual Hierarchy and Placement

The top-right corner was chosen for displaying notifications as it’s a non-intrusive location that allows players to stay focused on the main gameplay area. Placing notifications here ensures they are easily visible without obstructing crucial elements of the screen.

:arrows_counterclockwise: UI Animation

The use of UI animations serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it immediately draws the player’s attention to the notification, ensuring they don’t miss important events. Secondly, the animation provides a dynamic and engaging visual experience, making the game more immersive.

:rainbow: Player Color Identification

Color-coding notifications based on the player’s color serve as a quick and efficient way for players to identify who is involved in the event. This instant recognition is crucial for fast decision-making and strategic planning during gameplay.

:scroll: Rich Text in Chat

Recording all gameplay notifications in the chat with rich text, including timestamps and colored names, serves as a comprehensive log of events. This feature not only helps players review past actions but also adds a layer of strategy as they can analyze the chronology of events during the game.

:dart: Pinging on UI Elements

Allowing players to ping on UI elements is a strategic addition to communication tools. This feature enables players to convey critical information, such as spell charge amounts or Molten Golem spawn times, directly to their teammates. This fosters better teamwork and coordination.

:jigsaw: Design Consistency

Maintaining a consistent design language across all notifications ensures a cohesive and intuitive user experience. Whether it’s a capture point being taken over or a Molten Golem being defeated, players can quickly recognize the significance of each event through consistent design elements.

:speaking_head: User-Friendly Communication

The combination of UI animations, player color identification, and chat logs with rich text contributes to a user-friendly communication system. Players can stay informed, strategize effectively, and communicate seamlessly with their teammates, ultimately enhancing the overall gameplay experience in Smelogs Playground.


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Your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of Smelogs Playground! :slightly_smiling_face:

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