Hello, guys, is it possible to increase a distance at which small emissive objects emits light?
It looks fine at close distance, but looks terrible at some distance, i turned off screen traces to get at least some emission at distance.
Scene detail setting does not help, is there some console command to increase this parameter if i dont care about performance.
Turn screen traces back on… I’m not sure why you would disable it thinking that it will provide distant emission… it won’t. Also ensure you’re using hardware raytracing with Lumen, and you have set the lights actor as “emissive light source” in their actor properties.
Also if performance is not a consideration then you should really just be using point lights
it does not emit at distance at all with screen trace on. Light source is set and hardware raytracing is on as well
Well that’s interesting. What do the Lumen debug views look like?
My suggestion would be to design around the limitations. Don’t put small light sources like that right next to a wall, should work fine in more of an open space. Or use larger lights or paper lanterns instead.
Yeah, i see, but is there any way to improve this parameter?
At some point small emissive objects just disappear from lumen scene, so there is some scale threshold for objects i guess? Can i make this threshold lower?
Lumen Scene detail helps, but values higher then 4 make no difference. May be i can access this detail parameter via console command?
i have this kind of issue, just looking for solve answer too
I’d first check the lumen scene to see what the visibility looks like at various distances, sometimes the object’s lighting appears to be absent but the object itself remains.
Then, I’d turn on lumen.screenprobegather.referencemode. Lumen’s importance sampling lets you get good GI at a low sample count, but it (by design) struggles with small, bright emissives. Reference mode will just disable the optimizations and crank up the ray count massively, so performance will be bad but the emissives should be picked up.
Project Settings>Rendering
distance field voxel
reflection resolution