Slowdowns with FAB assets

We’re investigating an issue where creators making content in UEFN may see slowdowns when using FAB assets. We’ll update this thread when we have more info.


It’s not just slowdowns, some assets don’t verify and you can’t publish, sometimes it kills mem calc, some assets are horrible and have terrible polygons or materials, but mostly it adds hours on to development as the assets are never downloaded permanently, the system always has to go get them when you open your project. The whole FAB system is completely unusable in my opinion and should be rewritten to make it as useful as it should be.

Hi Graeme,

The FAB team responded to @Rynex_FNC yesterday about some of these issues. They are definitely on the top of the mind of the team. Thank you so much for your feedback. :slight_smile:

Ok, thanks Flak. It would have been cool if the team used their own product perhaps and they would have caught these issues a year ago I think. None of the problems are hard to come across at all.

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hi @Flak
The problems with traffic cone is one item
This is some author who has not been checked for Vertices of Poly sizes
The other Traffic cones are from Quixel Megascans a well known company that produces High Quality Free assets
Quixel is 1.4K vertices and the faulty one is 18K vertices and £0.79 GDP

If you search creator HQ3DMOD by clicking on the pricing bar you will see that one again all this suppliers assets are much larger Vertices than Quixel Megascans Assets on Fab. Therefore there will be 10 times slow down than Quixel assets.

Referenced assets will always be slower and will fail moderation because ALL assets are tested regardless of where they have come from.

Taking them from Fab does NOT mean they will be passed moderation.

The assets linking and reporting on Fab is broken
Try this for the traffic cone in question

Thanks for reporting, these load times are longer than intended. We’ve investigated and there will be a fix for this issue in the next Fortnite update.

hi @Flak ,
There seems another slowing down problem. So slow that its causing sever timeout error on all my purchased assets.
The asset Low Poly Style Deluxe 2 : Tropical Environment

In UEFN the referenced link breaks and there is big red error on the Content browser

I knew this would fail because the downloading bar froze

Here is part of the log where problem occurs

[2024.05.14-03.33.33:229][991]LogFortLAlytics: Warning: Timer stop called for Download manifest for but it doesn't exist.
[2024.05.14-03.33.33:244][996]LogFortInstallBundleManager: Display: InstallBundleSourceGameCustom: Downloaded BPS manfiest for
[2024.05.14-03.33.33:246][997]LogFortLAlytics: Warning: Timer stop called for Download manifest for but it doesn't exist.
[2024.05.14-03.33.34:241][470]LogBuildPatchServices: Warning: HttpMaxConnectionsPerServer=0 is not set in the Engine.ini [HTTP] section. Simultaneous downloads will be limited to 16

May be its because this was made in 26.30 and we are now on 26.40

The fix to this is to right click “Remove Refernce Content”
Now go back into FAB and “Add to Content browser”
once again my refenced content is downloaded a lot quicker and its now working available.

The main problem is I have to put the content back onto to my Island at is has been deleted when I reopen my Project Island.
This would be a MAJOR problem for many Graphics Designers.

I am an indie dev engineer who like finding problems! and reporting them
I would put in a Fortnite bug report but selection are UEFN or Creator nothing about FAB