slice procedural mesh(tree)

hello im making game about lumber

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i have tree that is curved so if im spliting it (am new idk how to post pictures but i hope this woud work)
if i cast actor(actor for help position split) on piece of that actor that is straight up position it is splited how i need but if the static mesh inside that actor is straight like i said is normal but top of the mesh is in angle so if am trying to split it it will cut straight, so when it drop down it looks of angle becouse of the angle the part of the mesh has

sry i missed the other part
so i need to find possition of something so it will be better split

Make a BP Actor and add Straight Pieces to make Cut Sections

Straight Pieces ?

Yeah connect multiply pieces together to make sections to chop

ok, I don’t know how to connect them, but I placed multiple procedural nets, exactly 2, but I get this.

I think I need to link them together somehow.

Like this Screenshot - 7818cd8e88b52540250c36d7159f9a65 - Gyazo what the do in Lumber Tycoon is when you hit the tree the Dark Cut Area the Material is changed from the Bark of the tree to black to look like its cutting

Then after that just add physics to when the black line shows up on the last hit you Destroy Actor (Destory Cut Line Pieces) the top part will fall to the ground

So you have a few areas pre-programmed that will make the cut ? but that’s going to be hard for the game, isn’t it?


So a few small meshes to form a tree with these pieces cut out. Is there any other method? This seems fine to me so I can create multiple different trees with it, but just wondering.

Theres tons of ways but you asked for Lumber Tycoon 2 - 1 way - another - and another
Just a few ways here

Yeah, I wanted something similar to lumber tycoon, I searched a lot on youtube for a video that would help me and fit the style of my game but I couldn’t find it anywhere. So I decided to write here if anyone can help and you replied

and I found something similar ,
but I wanted to do it myself and the method you mentioned is the only way I know right now and it will do until I change it :smiley:

ok, but can I do it with a split procedural mesh ? and somehow turn on physics for the bottom half of the tree top?
Because as I wrote, I’m having trouble turning on physics in that part and I don’t know how to do it.

(the part that levitates)

turn on physics for the bottom half of the tree top?

Is your Procedural Mesh Component simulating physics? You probably simulate only on the Other Half that has been sliced off. Can you double check?

yea if i change it in my blueprint it will make this, and i think it do becouse these are 2 seprete procedural meshes

i have it in my first person blueprint