[Slate] SLATE_ARGUMENT() with default value

hi all, i’m wondering if is possible to add a default value for SLATE_ARGUMENT
i’ve tried modifying the macro this way but with no luck

#define SLATE_ARGUMENT_DEFAULT( ArgType, ArgName , InArgDef) \
		ArgType _##ArgName; \
		WidgetArgsType& ArgName( ArgType InArg = InArgDef) \
		{ \
			_##ArgName = InArg; \
			return this->Me(); \

solved, there’s no need to modify the macro because the SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS() is just a macro defining a constructor so this code works:

	: _BackGroundColor(FColor(62, 62, 62, 255)) //assign DEFAULT VALUE for _BackGroundColor
	, _InnerPadding(FMargin(2.0))				//assign DEFAULT VALUE for _InnerPadding
SLATE_ARGUMENT(FColor,BackGroundColor)			// BackGroundColor Argument
SLATE_ARGUMENT(FMargin, InnerPadding)			// InnerPadding Argument
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