I am currently looking for a way to draw a property slate widget for arbitrary UProperties* (The class not the Macro).
How can I do that?
I got the Pointer to the UProperty and a pointer to a bit of memory that I would like to edit with the Property editor widget.
Any hints?
I looked into PropertyCustomizationHelpers.h already but the SProperty Widget requires a IPropertyHandle and I have yet to find a way to create one since their constructors usually need these parameters:
( TSharedRef<FPropertyNode> PropertyNode, FNotifyHook* NotifyHook, TSharedPtr<IPropertyUtilities> PropertyUtilities )
It seems to me that the FPropertyNode is the biggest problem here. I think I can just use default versions of the Utilities and the Hook.
I want to use this to invoke a UFunction with custom parameters editable in an Editor GUI.
Any ideas?