Skype Group for Developers and Newbies

larger and larger we grow :smiley:

just sent friend request

Hey all,

Just sent a request. Newbie UE dev here.

We are nearly full :smiley: Jump in!

So Decided to bump this thread :slight_smile: if anyone is interested come join us we are sitting around 230 users with great communications and knowledge

I gonna check this out when I am back home from work.
I am a prospective C++ programmer and UE4 dev :wink:

Hi, can you add me to the group please? Username is polomint77

Thanks !, :smiley:

Add me to the group as well name is Treizee

add me bladersftw

Why not, add me as well. jthebeast90

Add me MountainDue18

I would like to be added if it’s still a thing.


sure, id love to join, my skype is fragmanrock

Would love to join if its still an option. skype: tahnae.tidwell

I cant stand skype. Its bloated and slow feels like bloatware and I prefer google over anything microsoft.

I fully support google hangouts it works so much better especially since I have a Nexus 4

hangouts is soooo light it barely uses any resources its like its written in assembly. Its a joy both on my PC and nexus 4.

I wish you guys were using hangouts instead :frowning:

there are hangouts


please add me to the group! Computerkid23

Please add me … if it is still up and running: quinton.delpeche

Add me too, pls. :smiley:


me also, my skype zip_ukraine