So recently I noticed black lines in my swarm agent and once I hover my mouse over them, it says “skylight radiosity”. So I’m facing an issue with the scene I’m currently working on. It’s an arch viz interior walkthrough of a small house. When I start building lighting, the swarm agent goes through the export, starting and caching irradiance photons quite quickly, but then it stucks with the skylight radiosity for hours, no matter of the build quality. So I did a lot of tests to identify the problem, but so far I’ve had no success. Funny thing is that on my other pc, that Sam scene builds great. Radiosity is completed in 100sec for instance. So that tells me that the scene itself shouldn’t be the issue. I thought it may have something to do with my installation files or some other app conflicts, so I tried using another scene on both pcs and they both completed it successfully in roughly the same time. So basically I can’t figure out how a specific scene on a specific rig won’t build while it builds fine on another pcs and all the other scenes are working. My swarm agent shows skylight radiosity black lines for hours, it doesn’t even get to processing mappings. The last thing I tried was connecting the two pcs through swarm and using the pc that has the problem as a coordinator. Light build conpleted relatively quickly but the swarm agent showed that the pc with the problem did nothing but skylight radiosity until competition of the build, while the second pc processed skylight radiosity in 100sec and started processing mappings afterwards.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.